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Regionality with passion...

...Quality out of conviction!

Landhotel Fernblick Hotel Restaurant Essen gehen Sonnenuntergang trinken gehen westerwald hümmerich  natur genuss partner
Landhotel Fernblick Hotel Restaurant Essen gehen Sonnenuntergang trinken gehen westerwald hümmerich  natur genuss partner
Landsommer 2022.png

Where the good is so close!

The recipe for regional taste experiences is as simple as it is convincing. Producers and chefs with a passion for the region are taken and the best products from local cuisine, agriculture and regional gourmet manufacturers are brought closer to guests and consumers. In the best case, this results in sustainable "nature enjoyment relationships" - a lively network of restaurateurs, producers, processors and customers, all of whom share a common understanding of quality and solid craftsmanship.

"Natural pleasures in the Rhine-Westerwald" is the new regional project and is largely supported and supervised by the Rhein-Westerwald Nature Park and the business development department of the Neuwied district. The community initiative We Westerwald also supports this initiative. Enjoying nature is the new predicate for passion for the product and love for the region. 

As much as everyone is talking about the new awareness of regionality, it is also a daily challenge for everyone involved. Living regionally today means not shying away from the extra effort. The former infrastructure that our parents and grandparents still knew, the local and seasonal availability and the knowledge of limitations, resources and time expenditure seem to have been lost to us modern people. The nature enjoyment partners are returning to what was once a healthy measure of things, establishing new network and customer relationships in the region and showing how exciting, valuable and creative regional enjoyment can be.

If you have any questions or ideas, please contact the project manager

Jorg Hohenadl.

Tel.: 02631-28212 or

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Make online reservations at least 24 hours in advance. Short-term reservations please ALWAYS by phone!

Erleben Sie bei uns familiäre Gastlichkeit in entspannter Atmosphäre. Wir bieten Ihnen ein Rundum-Paket für Ihren Aufenthalt. Landhotel, Restaurant, Biergarten, Seminarräume, Sauna, Kegelbahnen, Wandern, Kinderspielplatz, Wassertretbecken, Anbindeplatz für Reiter, Parkmöglichkeiten für Bikertouren..

You can find our maps for download here!

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